Sunday, October 28, 2007


Daddy comes to visit!

Our Children's Place poster boy.

Checking out the snake at the DC National Zoo.

We had a fabulous time! We went on a cloudy day that apparently scared the rest of the people away, giving us a private tour of the zoo!

baby panda.


The next day brought lots and lots of rain... we ventured to Chuck E Cheese.

Spending more time away from the rain at the petstore.

Then (Great, to Ayden) Grandpa and Grammie AND cousin KATIE Kruenegel came for a visit!

Out to dinner with pop pops and the rest of the clan.

Erich, mom, cousin Katie

Sassy gals and a series of great shots.

Stealing mom's glasses, as usual.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Looks like so much fun! Glad to see Katrina doing the slippers as real shoes thing -- and that I'm not the only one! :)