Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

2008 things I am thankful for:
*Finding a great nursery school for Ayden that he loves and that is teaching him about Jesus.
*Hearing Ayden's first words (ball, football, cheese, please, juice, water, pooh, read, sit, let's go, eat, up, hello, dark, bubbles, dance---notice a trend? ha)
*Getting to know the Ball family, receiving countless blessings from them, gaining a friend for life.
*Watching my brother (Erich...Kurt will be in 2009!) get married and gaining a sister.
*Having God pour out financial blessings onto me and Ayden when I never thought possible.
*Taking on many different jobs, all that were a perfect fit for that period of my life.
*Joining the Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Center team, showing me how all the hard work and schooling finally pays off.
*Being a part of Rachel's wedding.
*Reuniting with Corey every month.
*Having faith and trust in the Lord that my future family will come, but in God's timing.
*Gaining security that Corey loves me more than anything.
*Corey getting through his first round of nursing school.
*Wise support and counseling from my father.
*Trip to Disney World.
*Trip to Hilton Head Island.
*Having the strength to continue nursing Ayden.
*Mom's care for Ayden half of the week while I work.
*Ayden's neverending joy for life, showing me a greater appreciation for life.
*Support from some of the Godliest women I know from my Sunday school class.
*The freedom to pray and worship.
*Moving to the basement so Ayden and I can have more of our own space.
*Highschool and college friends who still keep in contact.

Happy Thanksgiving family! I am really enjoying mine with the newlyweds (Erich and Lisa), not having to work, soaking in love from Ayden, eatinggggg, talking to family on the phone, getting vitamin D from a beautiful day, napping, watching the Macy's parade and reminiscing on memories of being there last year, relaxing, going through wedding photos (which I have more that I will put up later), praying.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Congratulations Erich Walter and Lisa Marie Meyerhoff!

Throughout my life, I have been to numerous weddings of friends, cousins, best friends, etc, but never to one where it was my immediate family member. It is an odd thing watching your own brother get married, but I could not be happier for him because I have never seen him so happy. The wedding was such a praise and celebration of not only the two of them joining as one, but as a thankfulness to God who spared both of their lives from serious car accidents. Those two truly are a miracle from God and it was an honor to be such a part of it.

I hope some more pictures turn up that other family members took (can we say Jo needs a camera...Christmas is coming up you know). It was such a whirlwind day that I don't know if there is even a shot of Ayden (or me with Corey for that matter. ugh.), other than the ones the professional photographer took! Hopefully there will be a way to share those with you. Until then, here are few.

Watching the flower girl and ringbearer (Ayden) make it down the aisle.

Bride, groom, and my parents.

Me, mom, Kat


My family.

The Meyerhoff clan.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Haircut #2

Next weekend, my brother Erich is getting married! And since Ayden is the ring bearer, I thought it fitting to get him his second haircut. He sat so still and was so proud to show it off. I do love his shaggy curls, but he's really looking dapper with the new cut. I cannot wait to see him in his knicker and bow tie.

He looks so intense. As always.