Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

2008 things I am thankful for:
*Finding a great nursery school for Ayden that he loves and that is teaching him about Jesus.
*Hearing Ayden's first words (ball, football, cheese, please, juice, water, pooh, read, sit, let's go, eat, up, hello, dark, bubbles, dance---notice a trend? ha)
*Getting to know the Ball family, receiving countless blessings from them, gaining a friend for life.
*Watching my brother (Erich...Kurt will be in 2009!) get married and gaining a sister.
*Having God pour out financial blessings onto me and Ayden when I never thought possible.
*Taking on many different jobs, all that were a perfect fit for that period of my life.
*Joining the Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Center team, showing me how all the hard work and schooling finally pays off.
*Being a part of Rachel's wedding.
*Reuniting with Corey every month.
*Having faith and trust in the Lord that my future family will come, but in God's timing.
*Gaining security that Corey loves me more than anything.
*Corey getting through his first round of nursing school.
*Wise support and counseling from my father.
*Trip to Disney World.
*Trip to Hilton Head Island.
*Having the strength to continue nursing Ayden.
*Mom's care for Ayden half of the week while I work.
*Ayden's neverending joy for life, showing me a greater appreciation for life.
*Support from some of the Godliest women I know from my Sunday school class.
*The freedom to pray and worship.
*Moving to the basement so Ayden and I can have more of our own space.
*Highschool and college friends who still keep in contact.

Happy Thanksgiving family! I am really enjoying mine with the newlyweds (Erich and Lisa), not having to work, soaking in love from Ayden, eatinggggg, talking to family on the phone, getting vitamin D from a beautiful day, napping, watching the Macy's parade and reminiscing on memories of being there last year, relaxing, going through wedding photos (which I have more that I will put up later), praying.

1 comment:

lifeisbornofme said...

Yay for breastfeeding toddlers. Despite some periodic wishes for a little more me, breastfeeding is one of the things I am most thankful for as a mother.