Saturday, September 20, 2008

By the way.

Yes, my camera is still broken. It will never be fixed because the cost of repair would be just the same as getting a new one. So I am waiting to buy one until I get that promotion from going from temporary employee to full-time at Central Special. Let's pray that it is by December!

But never fear! My sister has oh so sweetly said she will allow me to borrow her camera for Ayden's birthday weekend next weekend. And then there are always those random shots I can post on here from my camera on my phone. Those actually turn out really good.

Wow, two nights in a row of updating! I am on a roll....actually, only because there was not any doctors in the clinic today that I could transcribe for and all the work from this week was finished last night. That's the only downside on transcribing. No work, no pay.

I just want to say one more thing that I love the fall. Maybe it is just the changes of seasons that I get such a thrill watching take place. God's creation is so beautiful that I cannot help but weep at it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Downtime perhaps?

I nearly forgot I even had this page set up until my dear friend Jasmin (we miss you!) created one for herself and reminded me how wonderful blogs are for communicating with loved ones around who are not "around."

Things for me lately have been quite the whirlwind, to say the least. Within nearly a week, I managed to be hired through not one, but two jobs! I finally had a company, based in Grand Rapids of all places, hire me to work as a medical transcriptionist. My dear college roommate's brother works for the company and they hired me right away. I was overflowing with joy because it seems like any MT company wants at least 3 years experience in a hospital before accepting to work at-home. VanBelkum has been more than gracious to work with me...and boy it has been work as my medical knowledge is still very elementary, even with all the classes I took! I pray that one day I can use it as full time to work at home and be with Ayden (and a future family, Lord willing) but for now, I need to get my knowledge up in order to make it worth my while.

Right as I was hired for the MT job, my mom heard about the special needs school always having positions open as a teacher's assistant. I called up the vice principal and after going in for less than a 10-minute interview was hired! Convenient for me, the school is less than 2 minutes down the road. I am being extremely stretched and growing a lot in this job. I was placed in the classroom with highest behavioral children in the school (and maybe even county?), all autistic but all extremely aggressive. I am used to dealing with the aggressive aspect from my work at Pine Rest in Michigan, but the autistic part has brought on a new challenge for me! I get the biggest thrill out of going to speech therapy with them and observing the therapist work on getting them to communicate somehow, even if it is in a nonverbal way. I have also been able to work alongside an amazing behavioral therapist who has given me some great advice and guidance towards making a step closer to a career possibly in behavioral therapy.

One of the biggest goals of the school is to graduate a child at age 21 in a formed way that that particular child can work out in the community. They have had a lot of success with many children. It is a blessing on the days to be able to take them out in the community to acclimate them to the world around. Today I was able to go sailing with three of the kids from our classroom!

Along with having two jobs comes extreme exhaustion and constant struggle to have a balance in everything else like MOTHERHOOD! I miss Ayden painfully while I am at work and have probably been undergoing more separation anxiety than he has. He is with my mom half of the week and the other half with the Ball family, which is just as much like being around siblings as he, Doran, and Marilla have a great bond from all the childcare I did for them in the previous months. I know my baby boy is in the best of hands, but it still is hard to be gone when for the first two years of his life he went WITH me to work. This shot sums up Ayden trying to seek his mommy's attention.

If there is anything I need prayer for right now it is for strength to make it through each day and comfort to know that Ayden will be ok not having me being with him all the time. My school job seems to seep every ounce of energy from me along with me feeling a lot of guilt from leaving Ayden. But realistically speaking, I need to be doing this right now in hopes that our future will be smoother and healthier.

More to come...hopefully sooner than later!