Saturday, September 20, 2008

By the way.

Yes, my camera is still broken. It will never be fixed because the cost of repair would be just the same as getting a new one. So I am waiting to buy one until I get that promotion from going from temporary employee to full-time at Central Special. Let's pray that it is by December!

But never fear! My sister has oh so sweetly said she will allow me to borrow her camera for Ayden's birthday weekend next weekend. And then there are always those random shots I can post on here from my camera on my phone. Those actually turn out really good.

Wow, two nights in a row of updating! I am on a roll....actually, only because there was not any doctors in the clinic today that I could transcribe for and all the work from this week was finished last night. That's the only downside on transcribing. No work, no pay.

I just want to say one more thing that I love the fall. Maybe it is just the changes of seasons that I get such a thrill watching take place. God's creation is so beautiful that I cannot help but weep at it!

1 comment:

Melanie & Jason said...

you updated and got me excited that I might have more, and then you stopped again. No can dd little lady.