Sunday, August 26, 2007


My good friend Jasmin gave me a huge box of hand-me-downs that were Toby's. As I was rummaging through, I came across this sailor outfit that was still with the tags. So this morning for church, I decided to see if how it fit on Ayden. He must have thought he looked as cute as everyone made him out to look because he was giving me some great poses. The last one is him standing in the kitchen sink, watching "pop pops" (grandpa) grill. Too funny.

1 comment:

Manda said...

oh my, what a beautiful boy! johanna, i am so impressed with you--you are an amazing mama and your child is a shining example of the amount of love and devotion you have put into raising him! thank you for sharing pictures and stories--i wish we could see you more often! ayden is so blessed to have you for a mother...