Friday, September 28, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Ayden!

...first birthdays are sentimental for first time mothers!

As I look over this past year, I am filled with nothing but sweet memories. Naturally, I will never forget the moment I held my helpless and tiny baby boy in my arms. Or the fact that he peed on me TWICE when the nurse was working on getting the amniotic fluid out of his lungs. Ha. And that's how it has been since...nothing but smiles and laughs with the little guy. Here's a glimpse of what I have learned as a new mother in one year:
1. There is nothing more joyful than being a mother.
2. Make every holiday a huge deal---they grow up so fast.
3. Buying the cheaper diapers and wipes only causes more stress.
4. LEAN on God during the hard, and even easy, times.
5. It never really matters what mommy looks likes because people only look at the "cute baby" anyways.
6. "If mom ain't happy, noone is."---the truest statement...Take time to take care of myself. Mom's deserve a pedicure every now and then!
7. I appreciate and admire my own mother wayyyyy more. She is simply amazing. But it is okay to have a difference of opinion with her.
8. Family really sticks by you in the times of need.
9. I have a new outlook on all mothers...especially single mothers...we are like this unit, understanding one another. But it can get ugly on fighting to see who has the best kid and brag about it!
10. It is okay to ask for help. I can't do EVERYTHING. That's a hard one for me. We all know how stubborn I can be!
11. Going back to school takes on an entirely different meaning. I cherish it more because I have something huge to fight for!
12. Be comfortable in your own skin and own methods of child-rearing. You will always find someone to argue against your ideas. Stick with what you believe.
13. Baby boys are so much fun!
14. Ayden's mere presence turns me into a more patient person.
15. Christian community is KEY. I would be a wreck without the constant guidance, support, love, encouragement, and prayers from my fellow believers.
16. I have never felt more blessed in my entire life.

Ayden's characteristics at age ONE:
1. Seeing how many blueberries he can shove into his mouth at once.
2. Cheesing for the camera.
3. Dancing anytime he hears music.
4. Throwing a ball, any ball.
5. Socializing with anyone.
6. Wanting to push the stroller instead of actually ride in it.
7. Thinking he is 1 going on 3, thanks to Matthew and Jackson! :)
8. Loving to cuddle and get kisses!
9. WALKING!...zombie style, arms flat out in front of him. it is HYSTERICAL.
10. Seeing how many times mother will actually bend down and pick up the sippy cup he threw from the highchair...and while she's bent down, smear food in her hair.
11. Sucking out of a straw.
12. Throwing his own diapers away.
13. Brushing his teeth.
14. Riding in the baby carrier.
15. Singing himself to sleep.
16. Having curiosity about everything!
17. Playing with boxes.
18. Reading books.
19. Praying "God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food..."
20. Head-butting Aunt Katrina.
21. Unrolling the toilet paper.
22. Taking baths.
23. Figuiring out how to undo the safety gate.

I've put together a slide show of some of my favorite shots of Ayden as he is moments old up until his first birthday! ENJOY!:

....birthday party pictures to come!

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