Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A moment like this

There are moments in your life that you will never forget. Sunday was one of those...(it was grandparent's day, might I add to the "specialness") My mother and I were hosting a baby shower at our house. Nearing the end of it, as women were mingling around the food table and gifts, Ayden woke up from his nap so I brought him down to join the festivities. Upon request, I placed him next to a lady who has watched him before in the church nursery and I went and got some food. Ayden must have noticed my retrieval of crackers, because as I was coming back to him, he decided he wanted to meet me first...by WALKING. A few days prior, he had been standing quite sturdy and taking ONE step, but this was, I believe EIGHT! The best part was, in the middle of it, the entire room (to help with the mental picture, filled of women, hyped-up on sugar and cheesy games...) started squealing. He, being the natural comedian/performer that he is, soaked it all up and continued walking with that all-time famous cheese of a grin. Naturally, my eyes filled with tears as I thought "I'm in for it now!" It was one proud moment and I was one proud mama.

My baby's not so much a baby anymore. It is a sad yet exciting thing to think about. "He'll always be your baby, no matter how old" says Melissa. And I believe she's right.

....walking video to come!

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