Saturday, September 22, 2007

I heart football season!

This is the first year in AACS (Anne Arundel Christian High School) history of having a football team. Despite my sister's wishes, the little man and I joined in the fresh excitement of last night's game. I loved it. He loved it. Everyone loved it. A nostalgic rush overcame me when I entered the football stadium. I suddenly had flashbacks into the past and heard the sounds of the announcer over the intercom say, "annnnnd THE BETSY BAND" followed by the sweet tune of "Go Ye Ole Betsy" and the fans cheering. Friday nights in Elizabethton were surreal as the football games became the main social event for the ENTIRE town. It was a chance for the band to march their show that was going to compete the next morning, the cheerleaders to look cute (but sometimes annoying...I can say that because I was one of them), the elementary school girls to hang over the stands with that twinkle in their eyes saying "mommy, I want to be a cheerleader when I grow up!", the mother's to brag about their son who's name was just announced for a good play, and the students to show off their brand new fall clothes while holding the hand of their new "fall" boyfriend. Oh. Those. Were. The. Days. And it is completely captivated in this picture!

Ayden and pop pops enjoying the game

Ayden steals the remains of grandma's sucker (er, lollipop depending on what region of the US you are from). No worries, it was basically gone. He just wanted the stick.

Mother and son, about to watch the halftime show of the band. Mother gets teary-eyed, thinking of her precious days marching in the Betsy band. the way, they lost. BUT made their very first touchdown. In the football players' and fans' eyes, they won. :)

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